FAA Oral Exam preparation

I’m using this with permission of Reddit’s TxAggieMike. I owe him a beer if I end up in Denton, TX. Mike’s advice below is great, so I’m presenting it credited but unedited…

Oral Exam preparation

1. Take the ACS and make a colored highlight in the corner of each page that deals with the oral examination questions.

2. For the first pass, on each page/task, go line by line trying to identify where in the FAR’s or the various FAA handbooks you can find the answer. Make a note of that (such as FAR §61.113 for the question about private pilot privileges and limitations)

3. After that first pass, do another one, this time creating an outline of simple “Spark Notes” or “Cliff Notes” that provide the additional details to answer the question posed by that line.

End result #1, you have now created your own study guide similar to this photo.

This is a study guide you can count on!

End result #2, you now are much better equipped to be able to find the answer should you suffer brain vapor lock and cannot dig the answer out of long term memory.

End result #3… hopefully this process will make you much better prepared for the exam as a whole because you put some good work into your preparation.